Funky ass-movin' beatz to behoove your groove.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Princess Ai album on iTunes!!

OK, honestly, it's great to be able to finally set up these links to the new P-Ai product.  After all these months, the album's finally out.  The songs came out great, thanks to Ben and to the band Nude, as well as Skye of course.  I know not every fan will think the song is what they imagined because that's what happens when you read lyrics before hearing a song, but these are the songs that came out of my head and heart; I hope everyone gets to enjoy them for that.  

Also, Skye has her own vocal style - pretty anime-sounding if you ask me.  She has a beautiful voice.  It's different than Courtney's or even the real Ai's but the main thing to remember is that Ai can be a muse for all of us.  This is how Skye was inspired by Ai, which is why the artist is called Princess Ai loves Skye.  In the future, Ai can be a muse for any singer and Skye is just the first.  

You guys can sing her songs too - and do your own versions.  Go for it and have fun!

Here's the iTunes link:

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Princess Ai - Prism of Midnight Dawn!!!
It's finally out!  The long-awaited sequel to Princess Ai is now on the streets.  Special thanks to Kujiradou-san for her amazing artwork, which just keeps getting better and better (as if that's even possible), and to Christine for her awesome script based on my my story, and to Lil and Rie for incredible editing chops.  You guys are top-notch and fabulous collaborators!

Here is the embed of Chapter 1:

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Everyone, here is the long-awaited Broken Leash music video: with "real" anime from Satelight in Japan! I know, I know - got to complete the full anime. But check this one out:

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Happy 2009 everyone!!

I'm here in Japan where it's very cold.

Got my computer open and starting an outline for a new Princess Ai project. Can't discuss this one yet. Hope it works out!!

Also, starting to train a bit for a "sprint triathlon" (which is a chibi triathlon for those of us who are relatively wimpy). It's fun beating your body back into shape (or at least as close to a shape that resembles something other than a blob).

Happy New Year!! Write me!!