Hi everyone and Happy New Year!!!
I just wanted to say I'm sorry I haven't been keeping my blogs update. Life is a whirlwind and it's spinning me around and around.
Brief projects update:
- Princess Ai manga sequel called Prism of the Midnight Dawn (yeah!)
- Princess Ai comic strip collection. All 182 strips!! (yup, that's 182. shit i'm tired).
- Princess Ai Broken Leash anime music video. Debuted at NY Anime Fair. Now getting ready for a 2008 DVD and online release, along with other music videos.
- Princess Ai soundtrack - all 8 songs in 2008!!
- Love Like Blood screenplay (based on the manga Lament of the Lamb). It's now done, as of this morning. Whew!!
- Fright Elevator manga. Story still in the works.
- Street Fury manga. New story--stay tuned.
- Karma Club - volume 2 out soon.
- Kung Fu Klutz - wrapping up at volume 3. Thanks Mark!!
- Treasure Chess - may be revised in Japan as a new project. that would be frickin awesome...
- Juror 13 - one day, the film. One day...
- Van Von Hunter - bruwahahaha. hee hee hee, you guys will love this one :-)
Oh, and all that frickin' TOKYOPOP stuff like I've got to do for my day job.
Anyways, I wanted to say to all of you.
New Year's Resolution: update my Blogger and MySpace more often
2008 yoroshiku!!!!
Labels: fright elevator, karma club, lament of the lamb, love like blood, manga, milky, princess ai, street fury, tokyopop, van von hunter